Protect Your Work: Copyright Overview

Protect Your Work: Copyright Overview

Photo by Wesley Carvalho on

Advancements in technology allows anyone to create unique works and quickly obtain and modify existing works of others. Alongside technology, the internet has become a vast informational portal.  This informational portal has all types of intellectual properties, i.e., documents, pictures, books, audio recordings, videos, music, etc.  When it comes to the internet, You name it, and the internet has got it.

But can you use it? Maybe? If you use it, will you be penalized? IDK? Check out some quick facts and resources below.

What is Copyright?

“Copyright gives the owner of an original work exclusive right for a certain time period, including its publication, distribution and adaptation” (Mann, 2009. p. 5).

As an Instructional Designer, your work can and will become a part of the vast informational portal. It is better to error on the side of caution. Learn your right and review Copyright Law (Title 17).

In addition to copyright laws, initially geared toward the music and movie industry during the piracy era, Digital Millennium Copyright Act or DMCA (1998), and with criticism of “granting too much power to copyright holders at the expense of the public interest” (Mann, 2009. p. 7), it provides a double layer of protection for instructional designers.

Remember, you want to protect yourself as well as protect others by covering your work.

Also, not knowing your right to protect your work can hurt your pockets if you don’t take the proper steps. In this digital age, everyone can generate a passive income by monetizing their creations. Let’s not miss out.  Get your seal of copyright protection.

References (n.d.a). Copyright law of the United States (title 17) and related laws contained in title 17 of the United States code. Copyright Law of the United States | U.S. Copyright Office. Retrieved October 24, 2021, from (n.d.b). The Digital Millennium Copyright Act. The Digital Millennium Copyright Act | U.S. Copyright Office. Retrieved October 25, 2021, from

Mann, B. L. (2009). Intellectual property law confers rights in respect of online distance education, yet most learning resources are still free truth or fiction? I-Manager’s Journal of Educational Technology, 6(3), 1-13.

Author: Shameta Nicole

Hello, Beautiful People ! I'm ShametaNicole (aka Alchemy Design)♑︎ An Instructional Design (ID) student who's new to WordPress and the "blogosphere". Alchemy Design is a blog site created as a part of my academic journey. However, the more I learn, the more I feel Alchemy design will be here to stay. If you are reading this, thank you for your support! Remember we all are alchemist designing our reality...

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